Tag: Grant

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are funding a research and development project at FAU with the aim of automatically evaluating image sequences from aerial photographs ta...

Category: News

We are pleased that the VW foundation funds the project "Shorthand in historical documents. Development of a shorthand tool based on the decipherment of a Vergil commentary in Tironian Notes". The 1,5 years project focuses on transcribing and editing ancient to early medieval stenography using patt...

Category: News

The German research foundation provides support to the Pattern Recognition Lab's ophthalmic imaging group, led by Stefan Ploner, in the amount of more than a quarter million Euro, over a 30-month funding period. With this meanwhile third grant, DFG continues to strengthen a long standing collabo...

Category: News

Fabian Wagner was successful in the last round of the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program and received a new NVIDIA GPU for our cluster. Thanks to NVIDIA's hardware donation, we can enhance our efforts in the field of Medical Imaging. The new GPU will enable training deep pipelines that have par...

Category: News, Uncategorized

We are pleased that the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the British Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funds the project ›Werck der Bücher‹ – Transitions, Experimentation, and Collaboration in Reprographic Technologies, 1440–1470 . It is a 3 year project analyzing early technologies o...

Category: News

Mathias Zinnen and Vincent Christlein were successful in the last round of the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program and received several NVIDIA GPUs. Thanks to these, we can enhance our efforts in the field of Computational Humanities, especially the work in computational artwork analysis (Odeuro...

Category: News