
Welcome to the Pattern Recognition Lab!

Researchers and students at Pattern Recognition Lab (LME) work on the development and implementation of algorithms to classify and analyze patterns like images or speech. The research is mostly interdisciplinary and is focussed on medical- and health engineering. The LME has close national and international collaborations with other universities, research institutes and industrial partners.

Research Areas

Cognitive Computational NeuroscienceComputer VisionData Processing for Utility Infrastructure
Enterprise ComputingImage AnalysisImage Fusion
Ophthalmic ImagingPrecision LearningSpeech Processing and Language Understanding
Time Series Intelligence

After 3 years of apprenticeship as an IT specialist (system integration), Hermine Carbonnier successfully passed her final exam today. We are very happy and wish her all the best for her further career. We are also pleased that she will stay at FAU and continue her career at the AIBE department....

Category: News

We are pleased to share that Fei Wu of the Computer Vision group has won the "ICDAR 2024 Competition on Few and Many Shot Layout Segmentation of Ancient Manuscripts." In particular, he achieved remarkable results in both tracks ("Few-Shot Layout Segmentation" and "Many-Shot Layout Segmentation"), u...

Category: News

Chengze Ye received his Master’s degree in Medical Engineering from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in June 2024 as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His research focuses on the Deep Learning Computed Tomography based on the Defrise and Clack...

Category: News