The 3rd workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents (SUMAC) is going to be held in conjunction with ACM Multi-Media Conference 2021. Continuing the tradition of the 2nd SUMAC workshop (SUMAC 2020), this year too FAU is a co-organizer for this workshop. The organizers in...

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In an article published on, Dr. David Liew reviews a recent work conducted at the pattern recognition lab in collaboration with the rheumatology department of the university clinic (UK Erlangen) on AI-assisted analysis of bones affected with rheumatic diseases. The work described by...

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It's a great pleasure to welcome Kerstin Hammernik - one of the creators of variational networks - to our lab! Don't miss this talk! It won't be recorded Title: Physics-based learning for MRI reconstruction - Recent advances in static and dynamic imagingDate: 9th of June, 12PM CETRegistration Li...

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Abner Hernandez received his Master’s degree in Computational Linguistics from Seoul National University in South Korea. His research involved impaired speech recognition and detection, particularly with dysarthric speech. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in April 2021 under the supervision of...

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Zhaoya Pan received her Master’s degree in Medical Engineering from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. She joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in March 2021 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. Her Ph.D. research project focuses on studying confocal lase...

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Mingxuan Gu received his Master’s degree in Computational Engineering from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in May 2021 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His Ph.D. research project focuses on studying very high...

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Paul Stöwer received his M.Sc degree in Medical Engineering from the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in May 2021 as Ph.D candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. The research project focuses on modeling functions of brain parts l...

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