
We are pleased that the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the British Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funds the project ›Werck der Bücher‹ – Transitions, Experimentation, and Collaboration in Reprographic Technologies, 1440–1470 . It is a 3 year project analyzing early technologies o...

Category: News

At this year's "Tag der Technischen Fakultät", Prof. Dr. Katharina Breininger was awarded with two dissertation awards - the "Karl-Gierl-Preis 2021" by the Erika-Gierl-Stiftung presented by Prof. Dr. Andreas Fröba and the Dissertation Award for the best female young scientist by the Women's Represe...

Category: News

Aniol Serra Juhé received his Master’s degree in Medical Engineering from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.  He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in June 2021 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His research project is in collaboration with Siemens Healthineers Magnetic Resonan...

Category: News

Mathias Zinnen and Vincent Christlein were successful in the last round of the NVIDIA Academic Hardware Grant Program and received several NVIDIA GPUs. Thanks to these, we can enhance our efforts in the field of Computational Humanities, especially the work in computational artwork analysis (Odeuro...

Category: News

The deadline for the German Conference on Medical Image Processing (BVM) passed yesterday night. We are very glad to report that we were able to submit a total of 24 full papers and abstracts for review this time! A big thank you to all the authors who made this possible! Let’s have our fingers ...

Category: News