
We are pleased that the German Research Foundation (DFG) funds the project "Large-scale Automatic Calving Front Segmentation and Frontal Ablation Analysis of Arctic Glaciers using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Image Sequences (LASSI)". The 3 years research project aims to develop computer vision methods...

Category: News

It is a pleasure to announce that the Pattern Recognition Lab was again successful at the MICCAI Educational Challenge. This year a submission by Andreas Maier entitled "How to "Hack" Proprietary AI Image Processing Software" won the third prize: In the domain of medical image processing, medica...

Category: News

We are proud to announce that our lab is taking another step towards gender equality! Our lab is the first to have hot water bottles against menstrual cramps and pads and tampons in the ladies' toilets. Here's to a shared future of equality and collaboration!

Category: News

We are very happy to announce Prof. Dr. Jonghye Woo from Harvard University as an invited speaker at our lab! Title: AI in Medical Imaging-based Diagnosis and Treatment of Speech DisordersDate: Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 2022, 5 PM CETLocation:

Category: News

The German research foundation provides support to the Pattern Recognition Lab's ophthalmic imaging group, led by Stefan Ploner, in the amount of more than a quarter million Euro, over a 30-month funding period. With this meanwhile third grant, DFG continues to strengthen a long standing collabo...

Category: News

Dr. Elisabeth Preuhs, a former PhD student of the Pattern Recognition Lab, received this year’s Gorter award (2nd place) for her PhD thesis on “Acquisition and Reconstruction Methods for Multidimensional and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. The Gorter prize is awarded annually for outstand...

Category: News

It’s a great pleasure to welcome Marcin Grzegorzek to our lab as an invited speaker for a presentation. Title: Explaining Human Activities and States Using Wearable Sensors Time: Friday September 23rd, 2022, 10AM Location: Short Bio: Marci...

Category: News