Tag: Computer Vision

We are pleased to share that Fei Wu of the Computer Vision group has won the "ICDAR 2024 Competition on Few and Many Shot Layout Segmentation of Ancient Manuscripts." In particular, he achieved remarkable results in both tracks ("Few-Shot Layout Segmentation" and "Many-Shot Layout Segmentation"), u...

Kategorie: News

The Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) are funding a research and development project at FAU with the aim of automatically evaluating image sequences from aerial photographs ta...

Kategorie: News

We are pleased that the VW foundation funds the project "Shorthand in historical documents. Development of a shorthand tool based on the decipherment of a Vergil commentary in Tironian Notes". The 1,5 years project focuses on transcribing and editing ancient to early medieval stenography using patt...

Kategorie: News