Tag: Award

We are pleased to share that Fei Wu of the Computer Vision group has won the "ICDAR 2024 Competition on Few and Many Shot Layout Segmentation of Ancient Manuscripts." In particular, he achieved remarkable results in both tracks ("Few-Shot Layout Segmentation" and "Many-Shot Layout Segmentation"), u...

Category: News

At this year's ISMRM conference in Singapore, members of the Pattern Recognition Lab achieved significant recognition. Luis Carlos Rivera Monroy, Lukas Bolay and Luise Brock presented their research through well-received digital posters. Additionally, Laura Pfaff and Julian Hossbach presented their...

Category: News

A significant achievement has been achieved by an international research consortium, comprising the University of Erlangen, Germany, York University, Toronto, and the University of Michigan, USA. Our paper, "Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron-Like Long-Short-Term-Memory Units as Model System in Comput...

Category: News

The Pattern Recognition Lab participated in the "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin" (BVM) conference in Braunschweig with many great oral and poster presentations. The price for the best presentation was awarded to Mareike Thies who presented work about trainable joint bilateral filters with Fabian ...

Category: News

Dr. Elisabeth Preuhs, a former PhD student of the Pattern Recognition Lab, received this year’s Gorter award (2nd place) for her PhD thesis on “Acquisition and Reconstruction Methods for Multidimensional and Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging”. The Gorter prize is awarded annually for outstand...

Category: News

Great achievement by Alexander Mattick, Martin Mayr, Mathias Seuret, Andreas Maier, and Vincent Christlein! Their paper "SmartPatch: Improving Handwritten Word Imitation with Patch Discriminators" received the Best Student Paper Award by the 16th International Conference on Document Analysis an...

Category: News