Landmark Success for International Research Team at IJCNN Conference

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A significant achievement has been achieved by an international research consortium, comprising the University of Erlangen, Germany, York University, Toronto, and the University of Michigan, USA. Our paper, “Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron-Like Long-Short-Term-Memory Units as Model System in Computational Biology,” has earned the Best Paper Award at the prestigious International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).

The IJCNN is a renowned global platform for advanced research in artificial neural networks and AI with an average paper acceptance rate of approximately 60 percent. The paper, developed under the guidance of Dr. Richard Carl Gerum, Dr. Patrick Krauss, Dr. André Erpenbeck, and Dr. Achim Schilling, distinguished itself against the intense competition of over 1,000 other accepted papers.

The research exemplifies an interdisciplinary approach, bridging biology, neuroscience, computer science, artificial intelligence, and theoretical physics. It showcases how artificial neural networks can be enhanced with biologically plausible neuron models to learn more about our brain.This award reflects the University of Erlangen’s commitment to excellence in AI and underlines our competitiveness on the global stage. This further success follows another recent win at the BioSmart Conference, where another study led by Dr. Achim Schilling and Dr. Patrick Krauss secured the Best Student Paper Award.