The Pattern Recognition Lab participated in the "Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin" (BVM) conference in Braunschweig with many great oral and poster presentations. The price for the best presentation was awarded to Mareike Thies who presented work about trainable joint bilateral filters with Fabian ...

Category: News

We are thrilled to announce our upcoming Pattern Recognition Symposium, taking place from Monday, July 10th to Friday, July 14th. This is an exciting opportunity for researchers, practitioners, and students to come together and explore the latest advancements in the field of pattern recognition.Our...

Category: News

Robust Heart Valve Modeling & Advanced Computational Decision Support Valvular heart disease (VHD) is a major public health problem with a prevalence of 2.5% in the US. Tens of thousands of minimally invasive procedures are performed every year and new therapeutical approaches are continuous...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Pattern Recognition Lab's PhD candidate Nora Gourmelon has been portrayed in a new series of the local TV show Franken Fernsehen called "Franken unter 30". Her research has led to the award "AI Newcomer 2023", which is a renowned award bestowed by the German Association of Computer Science (Gesells...

Category: News

Concepts to Computational Constructs: Advanced Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous Artworks Using Deep Learning Due to the mass digitisation of paintings, manual examination and understandingof individual images is a cumbersome task. Developing automatic methods usingcomputer vision and machin...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery