Speech Processing and Language Understanding

Apart from automatic feature extraction and subsequent speech recognition, our chair deals with the following topics: spoken dialogue systems, recognition and processing of unknown, so-called out-of-vocabulary words, automatic analysis and classification of prosodic phenomena such as accent and phrase boundaries. Another core topic is the automatic recognition of emotion-related, affective user states based on acoustic and linguistic features; moreover, we use multi-modal information for this task, including an analysis of facial expressions, gestures, and physiological parameters. Another topic is the multi-modal recognition of the user's focus of attention in human-machine-interaction. Finally, we work on the analysis of pathologic speech such as speech from children with cleft lip and palate or patients after laryngectomy (removal of the larynx after cancer).


TAPAS: Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological Speech

There are an increasing number of people across Europe with debilitating speech pathologies (e.g., due to stroke, Parkinson's, etc). These groups face communication problems that can lead to social exclusion. They are now being further marginalised by a new wave of speech technology that is increasingly woven into everyday life but which is not robust to atypical speech. TAPAS is a Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network European Training Network (MSCA-ITN-ETN) project that aims to transform the well being of these people.

TAPAS adopts an inter-disciplinary and multi-sectorial approach. The consortium includes clinical practitioners, academic researchers and industrial partners, with expertise spanning speech engineering, linguistics and clinical science. All members have expertise in some element of pathological speech. This rich network will train a new generation of 15 researchers, equipping them with the skills and resources necessary for lasting success.

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DysarTrain: Development of a digital therapy tool as an exercise supplement for speech disorders and facial paralysis

Dysarthrien sind neurologisch bedingte, erworbene Störungen des Sprechens. Dabei sind vor allem die Koordination und Ausführung der Sprechbewegungen, aber auch die Mimik betroffen. Besonders häufig tritt eine Dysarthrie nach einem Schlaganfall, Schädel-Hirn-Trauma oder bei neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Parkinson auf.

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DeepAL: Deep Learning Applied to Animal Linguistics

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Deep Learning based Noise Reduction for Hearing Aids


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