
Welcome to the Pattern Recognition Lab!

Researchers and students at Pattern Recognition Lab (LME) work on the development and implementation of algorithms to classify and analyze patterns like images or speech. The research is mostly interdisciplinary and is focussed on medical- and health engineering. The LME has close national and international collaborations with other universities, research institutes and industrial partners.

Research Areas

Cognitive Computational NeuroscienceComputer VisionData Processing for Utility Infrastructure
Enterprise ComputingGenerative AIImage Analysis
MRIOphthalmic ImagingPrecision Learning
Speech Processing and Language UnderstandingTime Series Intelligence

Changhun Kim received his Master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Seoul, Korea. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab (PRL) in March 2025 as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr.-Ing. Siming Ba...

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Farid Tasharofi earned his Master's degree in Medical Engineering with a focus on Medical Image and Data Processing from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in January 2025. He previously completed a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering (Control Systems). In February 202...

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Title: Resolving Variable Respiratory Motion From Unsorted 4D Computed TomographyDate: March 7th 2025, 10 AM CETLocation: https://fau.zoom-x.de/j/64254558508?pwd=Z3BWP1bIYCpvI02Av3bO8SfGY4bAly.1 Abstract:4D Computed Tomography (4DCT) is widely used for many clinical applications such as radiothe...

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