Marcel Dreier earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. In his Master thesis he used diffusion models to generate offline handwritten text images and completed it in August 2023. Later on, he joined the Pattern Recognition Lab...

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Deep Learning Applied to Animal Linguistics Even nowadays, people have only a very limited understanding about animal communication. Scientists are still far from identifying statistically relevant, animal-specific, and recurring linguistic paradigms. However, combined with the associated situat...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Recognition of Similarities and Abnormalities in Chest Radiographs In a medical sense, radiography is an imaging technique to produce a plain image of the human body. Radiography of the chest is the most commonly used medical image acquisition method. In contrast to other imaging techniques, rad...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Linda Vorberg completed her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Medical Engineering at FAU Erlangen. In addition to her studies, she worked as a working student at Siemens Healthineers as a software developer for MR and later in pre-development for CT imaging. She completed her master thesis in Augus...

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Alexander Jung received his Master's degree in Computer Science from Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab on July 2023 as an external Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His research project is funded by Deggendorf Institu...

Category: News

Yipeng Sun received his Master’s degree in Medical Engineering from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in July 2023 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His research project is in collaboration with Fraunhofer IIS and focusses on the developme...

Category: News

A significant achievement has been achieved by an international research consortium, comprising the University of Erlangen, Germany, York University, Toronto, and the University of Michigan, USA. Our paper, "Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire Neuron-Like Long-Short-Term-Memory Units as Model System in Comput...

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