Invited Talk: Prof. Dr. Schulze – The Neuroanatomy of Learning and Memory – Monday, Nov. 2nd, 14h, 2020

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Prof. Dr. Schulze will give an invited presentation on the Neuroanatomy of Learning and Memory on Monday, Nov. 2nd, 14h, 2020 at our lab. The presentation will be online and you can join using the following Zoom-Link:

Abtract: Brains process information from sensory organs to create an internal representation of the world. To do so, information not only has to be stored, but evaluated and selected based on previous experience. This process enables organisms to control their behavior and thereby interact with the world around them. In the talk, I will describe how biological brains fulfill this complex task. I will describe how information is stored in biological neuronal networks, and how these memory functions are influenced by experience and emotions. The differences in information processing and storage between biological and computer systems will be described, and possible implications for artificial neuronal networks will be discussed.

Short Bio: Holger Schulze studied biology at the Technical University of Darmstadt, where he graduated and did his PhD on sound processing in the auditory cortex of Mongolian gerbils. In 1996 moved to the Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology in Magdeburg, where he started his own group and worked on mechanisms of learning and memory in the auditory system. In 2003 he finished his habilitation in physiology at the Medical School of the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. In 2007 he followed a call to Erlangen, where he is an associate professor for experimental otolaryngology. His main research topics now are the neurophysiological mechanisms of hearing, tinnitus, and sleep.