Ph.D. Gallery

Optimizing Application Driven Multimodality Spatio-Temporal Emission Imaging Abstract Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) is a widely used nuclear medicine imaging technique with many applications in diagnosis and therapy. With the introduction of hybrid imaging systems, int...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Novel Techniques for Spatial Orientation in Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) Abstract With a novel approach abdominal surgery can be performed without skin incisions. The natural orifices provide the entry point with a following incision in stomach, colon, vagina or ...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Motion Estimation and Compensation for Interventional Cardiovascular Image Reconstruction Abstract The minimal invasive interventional treatment of cardiac diseases is of high importance in the modern society. Catheter-based procedures are becoming increasingly complex and novel tools for pl...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Normalization of Magnetic Resonance Images and its Application to the Diagnosis of the Scoliotic Spine Abstract Due to its excellent soft tissue contrast and novel innovative acquisition sequences, Magnetic Resonance Imaging has become one of the most popular imaging modalities in health c...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Probabilistic Modeling for Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Images of the Human Brain Abstract This thesis deals with the fully automatic generation of semantic annotations for medical imaging data by means of medical image segmentation and labeling. In particular, we focus on the segmenta...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Application of Pattern Recognition Methods in Biomechanics (external: University of Calgary, Canada) Abstract Biomechanical studies often attempt to identify differences between groups. Several scientific methods are available for identifying such differences. Traditional methods often foc...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Adaptive Filtering for Noise Reduction in X-Ray Computed Tomography Abstract The projection data measured in computed tomography (CT) and, consequently, the slices reconstructed from these data are noisy. This thesis investigates methods for structure preserving noise reduction in reconstruc...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

One-to-one Edge Based Registration and Segmentation Based Validations in Hybrid Imaging Abstract During the past decade, image registration has become an essential tool for medical treatment in clinics, by finding the spatial mapping between two images, observing the changes of anatomical st...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery