
With great excitement, we announce the Pattern Recognition Symposium. From February 16th to 18th 2021, the members of the Pattern Recognition Lab will share their latest research on our traditional event. We are particularly happy to welcome our keynote speakers Gary Marcus (CEO of Robust.AI) ...

Category: News

Nora Gourmelon, a PhD student at the Pattern Recognition Lab, was awarded a prize for her excellent Master's thesis "End-use Classification Using High-Resolution Smart Water Meter Data". Parts of her Master's thesis are published in an ECWS-5 paper ( and an arti...

Category: News

With great excitement, we announce the Pattern Recognition Symposium. From February 16th to 18th 2021, the members of the Pattern Recognition Lab will share their latest research on our traditional event. We are particularly happy to welcome our keynote speakers Gary Marcus (CEO of Robust.AI) ...

Category: News

It is a great pleasure to announce a new guest presentation by Matthias Niessner from TU Munich! Title: 3D Semantic Scene UnderstandingDate: 21st of January, 2021, 12h, noon CETLocation: Abstract: In recent years, commodit...

Category: News

Die Notfallumstellung auf Distanzschule hat einige Schulen, Lehrende und Eltern an ihre Grenzen gebracht. Insbesondere ist die technische Betreuung eine Herausforderung. Daher haben nun Studierende der Erlanger Informatik eine Kampagne zu deren Unterstützung gestartet. Unter der Mail-Adresse cs5...

Category: News

Mathias Öttl received his Master’s degree in Computer Science from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in January 2021 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. His Ph.D. research project focuses on machine learning in the...

Category: News