
Offline-to-Online Handwriting Translation using Cyclic Consistency

Emotion Recognition in Comic Scenes with Multimodal Classifiers

Alzheimer’s Disease and Depression: A Bias Analysis and Machine Learning Investigation

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders that greatly impact individual and societal levels. These patients not only suffer from dementia but also from depression which can lead to more decline in cognitive abilities. However, both AD and depression have some common symptoms that make the detection of depression in Alzheimer’s extremely challenging. But several studies have used subsets of the DementiaBank database and employed different audio embeddings to detect depressive AD patients. Nevertheless, such embeddings can be biased for non-clinical factors.

Controlled CBCT Projection Generation Using Conditional Score-Based Diffusion Models

Improving Breast Abnormality Analysis in Mammograms using CycleGAN


Deep learning for brain metastases growth prediction

Deep Learning Reconstruction for Accelerated Water-Fat Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Parallel imaging is used to reconstruct MR images from undersampled multi-channel k-space
data which enables accelerated MR imaging with a high image quality. Reconstruction
techniques aim to correct for artifacts associated with the undersampling. One widely used reconstruction
method is SENSE which uses coil sensitivity encoding. In SENSE, the image
in every channel is calculated as the product of a high-resolution image and a smooth coil
sensitivity map. The main goal of this thesis is to develop a deep learning image reconstruction based on SENSE to boost
MR Imaging and correct for aliasing in accelerated Water-Fat imaging.

Projection Domain Metal Segmentation with Epipolar Consistency using Known Operator Learning

Implementation of an automated optical inspection (AOI) system for the automatic visual inspection of an enclosure assy DC distribution

The aim of this master’s thesis is the development of an effective automatic optical inspection for the so-called enclosure Assy, which is assembled and controlled at the Medical Electronics department of Siemens Healthcare in Erlangen, Germany. This AOI system should not only contribute to digitizing production but also provide relief and support for production employees.

Evaluation of a Pixel-wise Regression Model Solving a Segmentation Task and a Deep Learning Model with the Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient as an Early Stopping Criterion

Evaluation of a Pixel-wise Regression Model Solving a Segmentation Task and a Deep Learning Model with the Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient as an Early Stopping Criterion

With global sea level rising and mass loss of polar ice sheets as the main cause, it becomes increasingly important to enchance ice dynamics modeling. A very fundamental information for this is the calving front position (CFP) of glaciers. Traditionally the delineating of the CFP has been done manually, which is a very subjective, tedious and expensive task. Since then, there has been a lot of development in automating this process. Gourmelon et al. [1] introduce the first publicly available benchmark dataset for calving front delineation on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery dubbed CaFFe. The dataset consists of the SAR imagery and two corresponding labels: one showing the calving front vs the background and the other showing different landscape regions. However, for this paper we will only look at methods using the former. As there are many different approaches to calving front delineation the question of what method provides the best performance arises. Subsequently, the aim of this thesis is to evaluate the codes of the following two papers [2],[3] on the CaFFe benchmark dataset and compare their performance with the baselines provided by Gourmelon et al. [1].


  • paper 1: Davari et al. [2] reformulates the segmentation problem into a pixel-wise regression task by using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that gets optimized to predict a distance map containing a distance value for each pixel of the image to extract the glacier calving front line with the help of a second U-net.
  • paper 2: Davari et al. [3] proposes a deep learning model with the Mathew Correlation Coefficient as an early stopping criterion to counter the extreme class imbalance of this problem.  Moreover, a distance map based binary cross-entropy (BCE) loss function gets introduced to add context about the important regions for segmentation. To make a fair and reasonable comparison, the hyperparameters of each model will be optimized on the CaFFe benchmark dataset and the model weights will be re-trained on CaFFe’s train set. The evaluation will be conducted on the provided test set and the metrics introduced in Gourmelon et al. [1] will be used for the comparison.



[1] Gourmelon, N.; Seehaus, T.; Braun, M.; Maier, A.; and Christlein, V.: Calving Fronts and Where to Find Them: A Benchmark Dataset and Methodology for Automatic Glacier Calving Front Extraction from SAR Imagery, Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint]. 2022,, in review.

[2] A. Davari, C. Baller, T. Seehaus, M. Braun, A. Maier and V. Christlein, “Pixelwise Distance Regression for Glacier Calving Front Detection and Segmentation,” in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-10, 2022, Art no. 5224610, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3158591.

[3] A. Davari et al., “On Mathews Correlation Coefficient and Improved Distance Map Loss for Automatic Glacier Calving Front Segmentation in SAR Imagery,” in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-12, 2022, Art no. 5213212, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2021.3115883.