Super-short Scans in Bone XRM Acquisitions
Sparse-angle CT Super Resolution using Known Operators
Matrix Operations for Applications in Quantum Annealing
Quantum annealing is a promising technology for quantum
computing to solve quadratic problems. D Wave makes
quantum annealers and provides an open source Python
interface: Ocean [1]. Ocean’s hybrid models do not yet
support matrix problem formulations. Current approaches are
based on SymPy [ 2]–> slow for matrix problems
Speed up matrix operations for problem formulations
Development of a comprehensive SPECT phantom dataset using Monte Carlo Simulation
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) [1] is a medical imaging technique used
to study the biological function and detection of various diseases in humans and animals. Due
to the low amount of radioactivity typically used in SPECT scans, we have a lot of noise in our
SPECT acquired images, and because it is an inverse problem we do not have an exact ground truth.
For this reason we simulate objects with numerical ground truth, that will be used to create our
simulated dataset. The created dataset can then be used to train a Neural Network, analyze noise,
test multiple reconstruction techniques or evaluate the effects of acquisition geometry.
The objective of this research laboratory is to generate a large dataset of SPECT images, that will
be useful in the applications of deep learning in medical image processing.
We simulate 100 phantoms with different shapes and properties e.g. attenuation and activity maps.
Simulating simple geometric phantoms such as spheres, cubes and cylinders is the first step of
this research laboratory. In the following step we generate alphabetic letters phantoms. Last we
simulate more realistic physical phantoms like the Shepp-Logan or XCAT phantoms. To simulate
measurements of these phantoms, we use SIMIND, a Monte Carlo based simulation program [2].
SIMIND can describe different scintillation cameras, that can be used to obtain sets of projection
images of the simulated phantom. SIMIND allows the adjustment of different acquisition parameters
e.g. photon energy, number of projections, detector size, energy resolution, allowing the creation of a
comprehensive database of SPECT acquisitions in terms of geometry, and acquisition configuration.
After postprocessing the projection data, we obtain the reconstructed 3D images from the data by
applying iterative reconstruction techniques like Ordered Subset Expectation Maximization (OSEM)
and Ordered Subset Conjugate Gradient Minimization (OSCGM).
Expected Results
At the end of this research laboratory, the student shall have a deeper knowledge of Monte Carlo
Simulation (MCS) and reconstruction for SPECT imaging. Further, the student shall have created
a dataset that will be available for future projects, including denoising, reconstruction and other
image processing related tasks. Additionally, the student shall summarize their findings in a short
report and write a documentation about the database and how to use it.
[1] Miles N Wernick and John N Aarsvold. Emission tomography: the fundamentals of PET and
SPECT. Elsevier, 2004.
[2] Michael Ljungberg and Sven-Erik Strand. A monte carlo program for the simulation of scintillation
camera characteristics. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 29(4):257–272,
A Review of Diagnosis Rheumatoid Arthritis, with Evaluating Parameters of Micro-CT Scanner and Laboratory Measurements
Simulation of Spike Artifact Obstructed MR Images for Machine Learning Methods
Represent senor data of district heating network using contrastive learning
According to the European Commissions, heating and cooling in buildings and industry take up half of the total EU energy consumption [1]. One of the state-of-the-art thermal energy supply infrastructures is the district heating network, which is widespread in middle and north Europe. Thus, a robust and efficient management of energy supply trough out district heating networks has significant impact on reducing the greenhouse gas emission. In the last decades, smart sensors, such as pressure or consumption sensors, have been utilized to monitor the condition of the networks, therefore providing a solid basis for further data-driven approaches addressing various tasks, e.g., heat load prediction, automated anomaly detection etc.
With the latest advances of machine learning and deep learning, data-driven approaches have gained more importance and applicability for improving the efficiency of district heating networks. Although many works have been proposed for heat load prediction [2, 3] or anomaly detection [4] to date, a fundamental challenge remains the learning of universal representation for time series. Recently, contrastive learning paradigm has been adapted for the learning tasks with time series [5]. However, the proposed works haven´t been validated with real-world sensor data of district heating network. In this work, we are aiming at finding appropriate representation using contrastive learning for real-world sensor data acquired from district heating network. The thesis should consist of the following aspects:
- Literature review of contrastive learning for time series
- Analysis and understanding of real-world sensor data
- Develop and implement contrastive learning framework for district heating network
- Evaluate the proposed method(s)
[1] European Commission, Heating and cooling. 2018
[2] Xue et al., District Heating Load Prediction Algorithm Based on Feature Fusion LSTM Model. Energies 2019, 12, 2122.
[3] Chatterjee et al., Prediction of Household-level Heat-Consumption using PSO enhanced SVR Model, NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, Dec. 2021.
[4] F. Zhang and H. Fleyeh, “Anomaly Detection of Heat Energy Usage in District Heating Substations Using LSTM based Variational Autoencoder Combined with Physical Model,” 2020 15th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2020, pp. 153-158, doi: 10.1109/ICIEA48937.2020.9248108.
[5] Yue et al., TS2Vec: Towards Universal Representation of Time Series. arXiv:2106.10466. Feb.2022.