Tag: competition

We are pleased to share that Fei Wu of the Computer Vision group has won the "ICDAR 2024 Competition on Few and Many Shot Layout Segmentation of Ancient Manuscripts." In particular, he achieved remarkable results in both tracks ("Few-Shot Layout Segmentation" and "Many-Shot Layout Segmentation"), u...

Category: News

This competition investigates the performance of historical document classification. The analysis of historical documents is a difficult challenge commonly solved by trained humanists. We provide three different classification tasks, which can be solved individually or jointly: font group, location...

Category: Competitions

For this year's ICFHR'20, we organize a large-scale image retrieval competition. The task is to find fragments of the same image/from the same writer given a query fragment. To train your system, we created a 100k large training set of fragments. This competition is co-organized by the IRHT/CNRS. F...

Category: News