This video discusses how to evaluate deep learning approaches.
Watch on:FAU TVFAU TV (no memes)YouTube
Read the Transcript (Summer 2020) at:LMETowards Data Science
This video discusses the problem of class imbalance and how to compensate for it.
Watch on:FAU TVFAU TV (no memes)YouTube
Read the Transcript (Summer 2020) at:LMETowards Data Science
This video discusses the use of validation data and how to choose architectures and hyperparameters and discuss ensembling.
Watch on:FAU TVFAU TV (no memes)YouTube
Read the Transcript (Summer 2020) at:LMETowards Data Science
This video discusses the use of validation data and how to choose optimizers, monitor weights, and set learning rates including their annealing.
Watch on:FAU TVFAU TV (no memes)YouTube
Read the Transcript (Summer 2020) at:LMETowards Data Science
This video discusses initialization techniques and transfer learning.
Watch on:FAU TVFAU TV (no memes)YouTube
Read the Transcript (Summer 2020) at:LMETowards Data Science