Julian Oelhaf holds a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Computer Science from Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. He joined the Pattern Recognition Lab as a PhD student in June 2024 under the supervis...

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Phonetic Transfer Learning from Healthy References for the Analysis of Pathological Speech Automatic speech recognition (ASR) experienced a major leap forward through many advances in deep machine learning over the past decade. In each new iteration of neural ASR architecture, the increase in pe...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Hybrid Machine Learning Approaches for Image Reconstruction and Processing in Low-Dose Computed Tomography Diagnostic decisions in clinical workflows often hinge on the interpretation of medical images. The inherent quality of these images plays a critical role in discerning relevant anatomical ...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Join us at the Stroke Workshop on Imaging and Treatment CHallenges (SWITCH) 2024 which is hosted at the MICCAI24 conference in Marrakesh. The main goal of the workshop is bringing clinicians and engineers closer together to overcome relevant practical challenges when treating & diagnosing strok...

Category: News

At this year's ISMRM conference in Singapore, members of the Pattern Recognition Lab achieved significant recognition. Luis Carlos Rivera Monroy, Lukas Bolay and Luise Brock presented their research through well-received digital posters. Additionally, Laura Pfaff and Julian Hossbach presented their...

Category: News

The International Workshop on Multiscale Multimodal Medical Imaging (MMMI) and the International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal/Multisensor Healthcare Data (ML4MHD) will be featured at the 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICC...

Category: News