It's a pleasure to welcome Prof. Dr. Xiaochun Lai to our lab for an invited online talk. Title: A Physics-ASIC Architecture-Driven Deep Learning Detector Model Under Limited Data — for X-ray Photon-Counting CTDate: Thursday, Dec 19th, 2024, 8:15 CETLocation:

Category: News

Acoustic and Linguistic Analysis in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders This thesis investigates the application of speech and language analysis for clinical evaluation and monitoring of neurological and psychiatric disorders, specifically Major Depression Disorder (MDD), Alzheimer's Disease ...

Category: Ph.D. Gallery

Join us for an exciting talk by Prof. Dr. Christian Ledig on “Evolving Paradigms: The Future of Responsible AI in Healthcare beyond End-to-End Learning”. Prof. Ledig, a recognized expert in explainable machine learning (XAI) and healthcare AI, will share perspectives from his research and industry ...

Category: News

Hallo Zukunftsgestaltende! Bereit, die Leidenschaft für Technik und IT in eine spannende Karriere zu verwandeln? Dann ist unsere Ausbildung zur Fachinformatikerin oder zum Fachinformatiker Systemintegration genau der richtige Weg in die digitale Welt von morgen. Ob Systemintegration, Netzwerkadm...

Category: News

We are delighted to announce that Vincent Christlein has been awarded the prestigious IAPR/ICDAR Young Investigator Award 2024 for outstanding contributions to handwriting recognition applied to forensics and historical documents. ICDAR recognizes each second year a scholar under the age of 40 t...

Category: News