Paula Andrea Pérez-Toro received her M.Sc. degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Antioquia (UdeA) in Colombia. She has performed research activities related to gait, speech, and natural language analysis for healthcare and customer satisfaction. She joined the Pattern Recog...

Category: News

Sonja Kunzmann received her Master´s degree in Media Technology from University of Applied Sciences Cologne. She joined the Pattern Recognition Lab in May 2021 as a Ph.D. candidate under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Maier. The research project focuses on distributed annotation and evaluation of...

Category: News

The famous author of the nnU-Net Paper is giving some insights on his most recent discoveries on medical image segmentation at our lab in the next week! Title: nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentationDate: May 5th, 10h AM CETLocation: https://fau.z...

Category: News